2018-7-10 08:59:38


By:Li Jiamin

Joaquim NASSAR: recipient of Shanghai’s first unified work permit for foreigners

About the Interviewee:

Joaquim NASSAR, French dean of SJTU–ParisTech Elite Institute of Technology

From 1999 to 2002, he was in charge of a research project on semiconductor parts and technology in cooperation with the French Defense Department and served as the vice director of education and research at ENSTA-école Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées. In 2007 he served as the vice director of research at ParisTech, in charge of the research of photovoltaic semiconductor devices and is responsible for teaching quantum mechanics, statistical physics and semiconductor physics. He was also part of the energy and environment cooperation project between Europe and China.

In November 2012, he took the post of the dean of the École Polytechnique.